
Someone in Miami had given us two very large avacado pears that got very ripe on the train journey. Kirby Malone, Marshall Reese and the other Baltimore people put on a party for us the first night. There was a lot of guarcamole to eat apart from anything else.

Didn't use the camera in Baltimore: probably forgot I had it: too busy drinking and putting the book together.

The venue was a large church with a big balcony area and for a while I performed from the bottome of a stair well below the stage.

As part of the gig we recorded an improvised performance that became Side One of the Writers Forum Cassette 'Scrambles'. Details on the copy of the sleeve notes below.

Listen to it now in mp3 format

Balitmore to ...

4th March, on the train but no memories of the journey. Just a few hours: a little hop compared with most of the others; and we arrived in ...


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