New York

Unfortunately, not only do I not have a flyer for this gig I don't even remember where it was or anything about it. My diary of the time says 4th March,Soho! Could have been the Ear Inn?

If anyone was there, any information would be gratefully accepted.

I do remember a radio gig at Columbia University on 5th March.

Went up to the Upper West Side to visit Charlie Morrow's apartment and studio. Stayed there and recorded the next year.

Margaret Dunbar and her partner were kind enough to put us up for a few days. Both photographs on this page are views from their apartment on Broadway.

New York to ...

Sunday 7th on the train but no specific memories of this particular journey. From previous experience I know it is a magical ride up the Hudson river to Albany and then following the Mohawk river finally getting off the train at a station apparently in the middle of nowhere.

We waited a short while for our host to pick us up and take us to ...


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